Wide Open Golf and Tennis Tournament

Golfer in front of white building

TUDAA’s Annual Wide Open Golf and Tennis Tournament

Save the Date for the 41th Annual Wide Open Golf and Tennis Tournament

Monday, October 7, 2024

Brae Burn Country Club
Newton, MA

Visit Brae Burn Country Club for more information on the club and the grounds.

Schedule of Events

8:00 AMRegistration, Driving Range and Putting Greens Open
8:00 AMSilent Auction/Raffle Opens
9:00 AM - 10:00 AMContinuing Education Lecture
11:00 AMGolf Shotgun Start
11:30 AMTennis Start
12:30 PM - 2:00 PMYoga Class
2:00 PM - 4:00 PMGolf Clinic/Lesson
4:30 PM - 6:30 PMReception - Live Auction and Dean's Remarks
6:30 PMDinner
8:30 PMEvent Concludes

Sponsorship Information

Interested in becoming a Sponsor? Please contact us at dental-alumni@tufts.edu

Additional Ways to Support Wide Open

Make a Donation

Can't attend the event this year? You can still support TUSDM and the Student Load Fund by making your donation here:

Make a Donation

Donate to the Auction

The raffle and the Silent and Live Auction are important aspects of this event and contribute significantly to the fundraising efforts for the Student Load Fund. Do you have something to donate to the Silent or Live Auction? Please contact us today!

Email: dental-alumni@tufts.edu

Sponsor a Student to Play

Each year, we hear from students who express their enthusiasm and interest in being a part of this event. It presents a remarkable opportunity for them to connect and engage with alumni and dental companies that are bound to influence their future careers. Should you wish to sponsor a student’s participation in the tournament, kindly get in touch with us at dental-alumni@tufts.edu.