Tufts University School of Dental Medicine Compact

tusm homepage banner beacon of hope and safety

This "compact" was developed to engage students in the commitment to promote hope and the health, safety, and security of all members of the community during the current COVID-19 era and through possible unforeseen future crises.

Guiding Principles

As students in the healthcare profession of dentistry, we commit to:

  • Remain current with information, events, and the recommendations of our School’s leadership.
  • Recognize our position in dental health care: the possible increased risk of exposure to infection, protecting patients and members of the community from infection and harm, and acting as a role model for behavior.
  • Exercise good judgment and decision-making in all activities, at all times, both on and off campus.
  • Consistent adherence to policies, guidelines, and sound practices that promote hope and the health, safety, and security of others and self.
  • Uphold Tufts University's core values of respect for each other's rights, opinions, and beliefs in a diverse, culturally sensitive and supportive environment.
  • Support each other, to seek guidance when in doubt, and hold each other accountable to follow these principles.


In addition to remaining current with information about the signs, symptoms, and mode of transmission of disease, we commit to the following practices to reduce spread of infection currently recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, TUSDM, and the Healthy@Tufts Portal.

Please do your part to limit the spread of COVID-19.

For your health and safety and that of others, please observe the following protocols:

Icon of a person wearing a face mask

Wear a mask in public. Cover your mouth and nose with an approved face cover. You could spread COVID-19 even if you do not feel sick. Masks are mandatory whenever on campus.

Icon of two people keeping six feet distance

Avoid close contact. Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms' length) from other people. Some people without symptoms may be able to spread the virus. Maintain social distancing when navigating through the building and accessing lockers.

Icon of 10 people

Limit the size of gatherings to 10 people (max). All meetings and events (outside of classes) are limited to 10 people.

Please comply with all posted signs. Building traffic flow and space occupancy limits on floors and in rooms have been adjusted for the safety of all building users.

Icon of a person walking next to a "one way" sign

Follow the building entry protocols. All students returning or visiting campus must truthfully assess symptoms and accurately answer the current COVID-19 Daily Health Screening Survey. The current protocol of weekly Surveillance/Routine COVID-19 testing protocol must be followed.


Available information is continuously changing. Some resources that are available:

Tufts University

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

American Dental Association

MA Dental Society

Sign the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine Compact