Solutions for Overspending

Overspending may leave you without the means to meet your basic expenses and can lead to reliance on credit cards or personal loans. To keep your expenses as low as possible, you may consider the following tips:

  • Live with a roommate (or two). You’ll save on rent and utilities.
  • Shop with a list and buy only what’s on the list.
  • Bring your own lunch, coffee, beverages, and snacks to school.
  • Consider eating out less frequently.
  • Use public transportation (Discounted T Passes are available through Tufts).
  • Clip and use coupons, but only on things you need.
  • Take advantage of free entertainment around Boston such as free concerts, movies, art shows, etc. Also, keep an eye on student discounts from local retailers and event venues. Click here for more info.

When creating a budget, some people try to minimize expenses so much that their budget is set up for failure. The key to successful budgeting is to be realistic but not irresponsible. You work hard and deserve an occasional treat.