Alumni Events
Join us throughout the year at upcoming Tufts University School of Dental Medicine events.
- March 5, 2025: Student Alumni Networking Night at TUSDM
- April 3, 2025: Alumni Endo Dinner ICW AAE in Boston, MA
- April 25, 2025: Alumni Reception at AAO, Philadelphia, PA
- April 25-27, 2025: Reunion Weekend, Boston MA
- May 2, 2025: Toast to Grads for Class of D25 in Boston, MA
- May 24, 2025: Alumni Reception at AAPD, Denver, CO
- June 11, 2025: Alumni Reception at TUSDM ICW Quintessence, Boston, MA
- June 28, 2025: Alumni Reception in Athens, Greece
- September 29, 2025: TUDAA’s 42nd Annual Wide Open Golf Tournament
To learn more about these events, send us an email at: or call 617-636-6773